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Let’s build a school

Part 3: Learning here is irresistible

We have now made the conscious decision to assemble in the same place each morning. All ages, all roles, all together in a circle. And we do this not because we always have, or because we fear what will happen if we don’t, but because we believe that something special will come out of all this potential energy. Our school is a crucible.

Learning here is irresistible. And it is inevitable. It is a journey that we are taking together. I am older than most, and experienced, of course, but only about as knowledgeable as my class in the domain we are studying. This is exhilarating and it sustains extraordinary relationships. That is why we come.

A good point

I remember an exchange with a student maybe 14 years ago. The class were lining up outside the art studio and I had stepped out to meet them. A boy smiled at me and asked, quite politely, what we were doing today. I frequently reflect on this and wonder why it was that he didn’t know? Why he was coming to a lesson that in his mind was likely to be disconnected from the previous one. I wish I had created an adventure for him where he was eager to get to the lesson precisely because he did know what he’d be doing and just wanted to get stuck in.

because the magic will happen

Our school is now a crucible. We see ourselves as different elements interacting, leading to the creation of something new. Exposed to intense heat, we cannot avoid being changed by it all.

So now, when we step across the threshold each morning, we know what we will be doing and we come back for more. Not because we always have or because we fear what will happen if we don’t. But because we know what will happen when we do: we will all become something new and something new will be added to the world.