Our school is a crucible. It’s filled with different elements interacting, leading to the creation of something new. We are exposed to intense heat; we cannot avoid being changed by it all. We all become something new. And as a result something new has been added to the world. Welcome to our school.”

School prospectus, 2026

We meet together each morning, here in this space, not because we always have done, or because it’s expedient to do so, or because it’s ours, or because it has a wonderful sense of light and breath-taking views whichever way you look (although all these things are true), but because we know what happens when we do all get together: special things; magic.

We know from experience what happens when we struggle together towards something that we all really care about. The heat is intense; things fizz and bubble. We know that we will become something new, and we know that we will be adding something new to the world as a result - something the world will be a little bit better off because of.

It wasn’t always like this, but that was then and this is now.

Now we fuss the right stuff, because we know where we came from.

Disclaimer:  Think of this as fan-fiction - an unauthorised narrative indebted to all those rebel school start-up stories. 


Fish pond and the gate post


Knowing more is not an end in itself